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Diversity and Inclusion


Desktop S.A. shares with all employees and other interested parties, the salary transparency reports of the companies that make up our group. This disclosure is made in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 14,611/2023, Decree No. 11,795/2023 and MTE Ordinance No. 3,714, of November 24, 2023, issued by the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

In addition to complying with legal obligations, disclosing this information demonstrates our commitment to regulatory compliance and recognizes the importance of pay transparency as an essential element in promoting equality in the workplace.

None of us are as good as all of us together

Desktop has an authentic concern for its employees, which is evident in the description of its values. The company celebrates its successes and learns from its challenges, always seeking alternatives with intelligence and strategy, and valuing individual contributions. We are looking for a team capable of idealizing, coordinating and carrying out, offering each employee the opportunity to lead, assume responsibilities, achieve goals and bring solutions. Everyone plays essential roles in teamwork, contributing as a valuable part of the result.

We promote a culture of collaboration and respect, where each individual is valued and encouraged to contribute their best. Our work environment is built on the pillars of transparent communication and teamwork, creating cordial and professional relationships. Maintaining this respectful environment is essential for the development of our team, to achieve our common goals and promote sustainable growth.

Desktop Commitment – Diversity and Inclusion

At Desktop, we believe that diversity is a source of strength and innovation. We recognize that each employee brings with them a unique perspective, diverse experiences and valuable skills that enrich our organizational culture and drive our growth.

We recognize that diversity goes beyond ethnic, gender or cultural backgrounds, encompassing a wide range of perspectives, skills, and experiences. We value and celebrate diversity in all its forms, actively working to create an inclusive environment where all voices are heard, respected, and valued. We are committed to cultivating a culture that promotes diversity, equality, and inclusion in all aspects of our business, as we believe it is diversity that makes us stronger, more creative, and more successful as a company.

That’s why carried out our first Diversity Census in 2023, a milestone in our journey towards understanding and valuing diversity in all its forms. The census demonstrated our commitment to better understanding our employees, ensuring that everyone has space to be their authentic self and feels valued and safe on our team.

With a participation rate of 71%, the census revealed valuable indicators on age, gender, race, people with disabilities, gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as details on gender representation at different hierarchical levels. The insights collected were essential in guiding Desktop’s affirmative agenda and development and inclusion initiatives, which will continue into 2024.

The result of the 2023 census revealed a notable female presence in our workforce, totaling 47%. Furthermore, we found that 12.7% of our employees are part of the LGBTQIAPN+ community. In relation to ethnic diversity, a significant portion of 44.3% of our employees who participated in the survey self-declared as black and brown. These numbers reflect our commitment to inclusion and representation in all spheres of our team.

With the aim of further strengthening an inclusive and diverse environment, we implemented internal literacy programs to promote greater awareness on the topic, enabling our employees to recognize and combat prejudice and discrimination in all forms. For senior leadership, we carry out face-to-face training through workshops and awareness campaigns to build a more diverse and inclusive culture.

We also created our Affinity Groups: All Flags (LGBTQIAPN+) | Inclusive Connection (PWDs) | Connected Women | Our Roots (ethnicity) and we have carried out a series of initiatives aimed at minority groups.

To highlight the importance of gender issues, Desktop organized a series of initiatives aimed at female empowerment, including lectures on women’s professional development in a scenario often marked by stereotypes. Employees had the chance to participate in individual mentoring. On International Women’s Day, we promoted an awareness campaign to celebrate female achievements. During Lilac August, we had the participation of the General Superintendent of the Maria da Penha Institute in lectures on preventing and combating domestic violence, encouraging reflection on the role of everyone in promoting equality. We adopted affirmative hiring practices to increase the presence of women in positions typically dominated by men and launched the “Desktop’s Women at the Top” campaign, valuing their stories and contributions. Every action taken, every conversation started, and every practice implemented, are steps on our path dedicated to building a more equal and inclusive work environment for women.

We are engaged in partnerships with institutions specialized in training people with disabilities (PWDs) for the job market, aiming to create opportunities and promote the inclusion of these professionals in our team. All these initiatives raise awareness and educate our employees about the importance of diversity and equal opportunities. Our affinity groups have also been actively working on issues related to race and LGBT, promoting debates and actions that aim to combat racism and homophobia and promote the appreciation of ethnic-racial diversity and sexual orientation in our work environment.

In addition to the initiatives mentioned above, in 2021 we also implemented a reporting channel as part of our efforts to promote a safe, respectful, and discrimination-free work environment. This channel offers employees a safe and confidential platform to report any form of discrimination, harassment, or violation of rights in the workplace.

All of these initiatives reflect our commitment to building an inclusive and equitable organizational culture, where all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their origin, identity or condition. We are committed to continuing to promote diversity and inclusion in all areas of our company, always seeking to create a fairer, more welcoming and equal working environment for everyone.

Desktop’s additional information

We emphasize that the report was prepared based on criteria defined by the responsible agency, without the opportunity to verify or correct possible distortions. Furthermore, some relevant criteria, such as seniority and length of service at the company, were not considered in the analysis.

It is worth noting that the method used in the report tends to equate different functions and hierarchical levels, grouping all those who fit into the large groups of the Brazilian Classification of Occupations – CBO. Furthermore, most of the data used refers to 2022, the period before the implementation of the salary transparency legislation in question, which does not necessarily reflect Desktop’s current situation and the recent policies adopted.

We would like to emphasize that Desktop supports the adoption of public policies and measures that promote equal pay. The company has cooperated fully, providing all pertinent information on the matter and filling out the forms as required by law.

Access information by branch below:

Corporate Tax ID: 08.170.849/0001-15 (Desktop S.A.)
Corporate Tax ID: 09.666.183/0001-53 (Desktop Internet)
Corporate Tax ID: 14.808.118/0001-55 (C-Lig)
Corporate Tax ID: 04.127.856/0001-83 (Cilnet)